Affiliate Link Disclosures
I use affiliate links across my website when mentioning certain products, and if you click these links, I may earn commission; but there is never any added cost to you. I disclose these links when I use them.
Amazon Affiliate Disclosure: I’m a member of the Amazon Affiliate Program and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Google Ads: I also use Adsense ads from Google throughout my website, and I may earn from impressions or if you click on those ads.
Sponsorship Disclosure
I may from time-to-time earn revenue or commissions from sponsorships with various companies; I will also disclose these sponsorships when I have them.
I welcome free speech and opinions, but I will not tolerate blatantly inappropriate comments that are meant to cause harm to others in my blog posts or videos. I will delete these comments without warning. Don’t be afraid to share your opinions, especially if you think I’m wrong about something; that’s not what this about. If you wouldn’t say it publicly on your own media, it’s probably not a good idea to try here.